Maxem Services


"Maxem has developed several mobile computing solutions such as route accounting, surveys and poll taking, proof of delivery, tracking among other..."

Mobile Solutions

Do your Mobile workers have access to your key enterprise applications?

Today employees are becoming increasingly mobile, spending more time out of the office. To enable these employees to be productive as possible they need to have access to their organisation's enterprise data. Having access to this data is vital to remain competitive in today's market place where data is sent on demand. Real-time data enables employees to carry out their job as efficiently as possible.

Mobile Workforce solutions enable companies to give their employees access to the office whilst they are in the field. By providing this access employees can collaborate, as if they were working at their desk. With better mobile devices running Windows Mobile 5 we can provide employees with mobile email and calendars, along with access to company critical applications. Real-time applications can be developed to enable access to enterprise data.

Maxem has developed several mobile computing solutions such as route accounting, surveys and poll taking, proof of delivery, tracking among other, so if you need to control and automate your mobile work force, we are your technological partner.

Custom mobile solutions are rapidly designed to meet your high expectations and unique situation - whatever it may be.  If a standard solution does not meet your needs exactly, simply contract us.  We will develop a mobile solution based on your criteria, budget, and timeframe.


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Source: HANOVER, Germany, Fe

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